Instructions for Presenting Authors

This year, all papers accepted for oral presentation in main conference, symposium, and workshop events will also be included in "Poster Plenary Sessions" to encourage face-to-face interactions of the paper presenters with the other conference attendees. Details and the "Poster Plenary Sessions" schedules are as follows:

Poster Plenary Session1 (Tuesday, Nov. 29: 12:30pm-2:00pm):
Poster Plenary Session2 (Wednesday, Nov. 30: 12:30pm-2:00pm):
Poster Plenary Session3 (Thursday, Dec. 1: 12:30pm-2:00pm):

Please pay attention: the poster board is "landscape" format and its dimension is 4 feet (height) by 8 feet (width)

For the authors of papers accepted for oral presentation in main conference (including Technical Achievement Award and Best Paper Candidates Session), each speaker is allocated 30 minutes, including Q&A and time to change speakers. For workshop and symposium oral presentation authors, please check the corresponding program schedule for your time slot at the Program page.

ACM Multimedia 2011

Nov 28th - Dec 1st, 2011 Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

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