Call for Short Papers

Short papers will be presented as posters in an interactive setting. Short papers should present interesting and exciting recent results or novel thought-provoking ideas that are not quite ready, and preferably include a system demonstration. The conference will have ten areas, instead of the familiar tracks of content, systems, applications and human- centered computing. The introduction of areas allows the community to solicit papers from a wide range of timely multimedia-related topics allowing focusing on crosscutting topics, including scalability and mobility, as areas of interest. ACM Multimedia 2011 seeks contributions in 10 areas, including:

  1. multi-modal integration and understanding in the imperfect world,
  2. media analysis and search,
  3. scalability in media processing, analysis, and applications,
  4. multimedia systems and middleware,
  5. media transport and sharing,
  6. multimedia security,
  7. media authoring and production,
  8. location-based and mobile multimedia,
  9. human, social, and educational aspects of multimedia,
  10. arts and contemporary digital culture.

When you submit your paper, you will designate a primary area and an optional secondary area in the online system. It is your responsibility to read the descriptions of all the areas and select the primary area that best matches the primary focus of your submission. The selection of a secondary area is optional; select the secondary area when the research crosses over to other areas. While the ten areas are distinct, the mandate of each area is broad. We recognize that many, even most papers cannot be neatly pinned into one area. Papers that do select the optional secondary area will not be penalized. On the contrary, crosscutting, multi-disciplinary work is highly encouraged.

ACM Multimedia review is double-blind. Accepted short papers appear in the Conference Proceedings and in the ACM Digital Library along with the accepted full papers.

Submission guidelines

The maximum length allowed for short papers is 4 pages. All papers must be submitted in an electronic format which conforms to the ACM proceedings style and submitted as PDF files. The corresponding latex and word files can be found from the following links:

Submissions must strictly adhere to page limits, papers exceeding the page limits will be rejected without review.

The conference paper submission system is now open at the site:

Important dates

  • Registration (abstract submission) deadline       April 4, 2011
  • Short paper submission                                   April 11, 11:59pm PST, 2011
  • Notifications of acceptance                               June 27, 2011

ACM Multimedia 2011

Nov 28th - Dec 1st, 2011 Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

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