SIGMM Records - March 2009

March 2009



Welcome to the brand new ACM SIG Multimedia Records!
The SIGMM Records are the SIG Multimedia's quarterly newsletter that provides SIGMM members with a channel for disseminating their achievements to the research community at large. Through the SIGMM Records, SIGMM members can contribute opinions, review papers, books and online material, participate in critical discussions, and present outrageous opinions, or stories about the dissemination of research. The SIGMM forums provide a platform for discussions about SIGMM Records articles that we encourage our readers to use.

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Analytics for Experts

Even though the mathematical foundations are very similar, in the past, artificial intelligence research seemed to be strictly divided according to the different types of data that were to be analyzed. Therefore many research groups work on either speech processing, computer vision, or video analysis. Only recently trends, such as Semantic Computing, have emerged that try to merge the different research tracks in order to create unified approaches that can benefit from the synergy of extracting and analyzing data of different modalities in a combined way. The following document tries to provide a quick and dirty introduction to the different methodological, philosophical, and foremost terminological branches that have been taken by speech scientist and by computer vision scientists.

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Award Opportunities

Two quite different opportunities are announced in this issue: the ACM Multimedia Grand Challenge 2009 is announced with details about the invididual challenges. And a completely different kind of opportunity is announced, the Call for Nominations of Multimedia Researchers for the SIGMM Award for Outstanding Technical Contributions to Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications.

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Event Report

The sixteen ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2008), was held October 27-31, 2008 at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Vancouver, situated on Canada's east coast, enjoys a milder climate than much of Canada. As hosts to the 2010 winter Olympics, it boasts a plethora of sporting facilities, as well as ample opportunities for outdoor recreation with 3200 acres of parks and 11 miles of beaches.

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Free Material

Two open source contributions are provided for those who are interested in crawling and analyzing YouTube and other Web 2.0 applications for user-generated content.

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Call for Papers

Calls for paper for SIG Multimedia's own ACM Multimedia Conference and MM&Sec Workshop, a call for proposals for the 2010 Special Issue of TOMCCAP, and calls for several other multimedia-related events.

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Call for Contributions

We await your contributions for the June issue of SIGMM Records by 31. May 2009. Please take a closer look at the information that is required for a particular submission to the newsletter.



Table of Contents

  1. Editorial
  2. Featured Paper
  3. Award Opportunities
  4. Event Reports
  5. PhD thesis abstracts
  6. Freely available source code, traces and test content
  7. Calls for Papers
  8. Job Opportunities
  9. Impressum

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