
This page provides links to the submission system for the various submission types that we request for MMSys 2013. For MMSys submission deadlines, click here.

Submissions for NOSSDAV and MoVid should be accessed through the main pages of those workshops.

MMSys 2013 accepts several kinds of contribution:
Type of contribution Pages Link
MMSys full papers 6 to 12 link MMSys is one of very few conferences that allow you to present your work thoroughly.
3D Technology in MM 6 to 12 link The special session has separate submissions dates and a specialist TPC but papers are treated like regular full papers otherwise.
MMSys dataset papers up to 6 link These papers present datasets. They do not require original research based on those datasets. Consider the main conference or the workshops for such a contribution.
Demo description up to 6 link



MMSys full paper submissions are evaluated as full papers independent of their length. The range 6-12 pages allows you to be brief if you present a particular mechanism but present all components of an entire system in a fairly self-contained manner where appropriate. Reviewers will appreciate that you avoid bloated text. Work-in-progress papers are better suited for co-located workshops NOSSDAV or MoVid.

MMSys papers use the ACM SIG Proceedings Format. You can find the lastest templates on the ACM's website.

MMSys reviews are single-blind. Building and testing entire multimedia systems is a process that may take years and delivering a convincing paper does frequently require self-citations.

A note from ACM on the ACM Author-Izer

ACM Author-Izer is a unique service that enables ACM authors to generate and post links on either their home page or institutional repository for visitors to download the definitive version of their articles from the ACM Digital Library at no charge.

Downloads through Author-Izer links are captured in official ACM statistics, improving the accuracy of usage and impact measurements. Consistently linking the definitive version of ACM article should reduce user confusion over article versioning.

After your article has been published and assigned to your ACM Author Profile page, please visit to learn how to create your links for fee downloads from the ACM DL