Category Archives: Uncategorized

Conference Begins

Welcome to Niagara Falls! For those of you who have already made it into town, don’t forget about the Power Authority tour starting at 1515 today (meet in hotel lobby 1445); and the reception at the Red Coach Inn starting … Continue reading

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Conference Room

The conference will be located in the Porter-DeVeaux room of the Conference Center Niagara Falls (See “Venue” for more information)

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Updated social event information

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone in Niagara! The social event information page has been updated with directions and itineraries. Be sure to come join us for the NY Power Authority Tour and the reception at the Red Coach Inn … Continue reading

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Final additions

As we enter the final week of preparations, additional conference information has been added to the website. The final invited speaker biography and abstract has been posted, times have been added to the program, and a new section detailing information … Continue reading

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Conference Information Update

Venue, Hotel and Invited Speaker information for the 13th ACM MM&SEC Workshop has been posted.  Further information, including Registration, is forthcoming.

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Submission deadline extended

The submission deadline has been extended to June 11, 2011.

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Submissions are Open

You can log in to the CMT submissions system to upload your paper at As stated in the call for papers, templates for the ACM SIG proceedings can be found at

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Call For Papers

The 13th ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop will be held in Buffalo NY.  The workshop’s continuing objective is to explore research in areas of multimedia data security such as data protection, media forensics, covert channels and security issues in biometrics, … Continue reading

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