
The ACM MM&SEC 2011 conference hotel is the Sheraton At The Falls, located adjacent to the conference venue.

Sheraton At The Falls

300 3rd Street
Niagara Falls, New York 14303

A block of 20 rooms has been set aside for this event at the price of $119/night. Additionally, a small number of rooms will be set aside at the government per diem rate for those traveling on orders.  To obtain this rate, please make reservations by 30 August 2011.  Reservations can be made via phone (1-866-961-3780) or via a conference website:

This rate will apply to the two conference nights (29 & 30 September), and upon request will be made available for the period of 26 September until 3 October 2011 to accommodate those traveling abroad, or who wish to extend their travel to in order to enjoy Niagara Falls and the surrounding area.

Note: When booking, take care not to confuse the conference venue with the Sheraton On The Falls, which is on the Canadian side of the falls.

In addition to the conference hotel, many other hotels are located within walking distance of the venue.

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