ACM SIGMM Rising Star Award 2023

The winner of the SIGMM Rising Star for 2023 is Dr. Chang Xu for his significant contributions in efficient and generative deep representation learning of multimedia data.

Dr. Chang Xu is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Computer Science, University of Sydney. He has been honored with the University of Sydney Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Early Career Research. His research interests encompass machine learning algorithms and their applications in computer vision and multimedia, including weakly supervised machine learning, deep generative learning, and the design and optimization of deep neural network architectures. Dr. Xu has an impressive publication record, with over 100 papers published in prestigious journals and top-tier conferences. His survey on multi-view learning has garnered over 1,000 citations according to Google Scholar. Additionally, he has received several paper awards, including the Distinguished Paper Award in AAAI 2023, the Best Student Paper Award in ICDM 2022, the Best Paper Candidate in CVPR 2021, and the Distinguished Paper Award in IJCAI 2018. Notably, he has also been awarded the 2023 Australian Research Council Future Fellowship, which is a recognition from the national research agency for mid-career researchers, typically 6-15 years post-PhD. Each year, only 3-5 awards are granted in computing-related disciplines out of the 100 awardees across Australia.

Dr. Xu serves as an area chair for NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, MM, and KDD. In 2017, he was recognized as a Top Ten Distinguished Senior PC Member in IJCAI. Furthermore, he holds positions as an associate editor at IEEE T-PAMI, IEEE T-MM, and T-MLR. In 2022, he was named an Outstanding Associate Editor at IEEE T-MM.

Many Congratulations to Chang Xu!
Phoebe Chen
SIGMM Vice-Chair
On Behalf of SIGMM Rising Star Award Committee
November 1, 2023