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The 14th ACM International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video

Student Travel Grants

Thanks to the support from our sponsors, we expect to be in a position to offer several travel grants for full-time students to attend NOSSDAV 2004. Grants will be in the range US$700-1000 and contribute towards the costs of registration, travel, and lodging. Applications are welcome from all full-time students, but preference will be given to current PhD students. Female students and students from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. Since part of the funding comes from the US National Science Foundation, many of the grants will only be open to students (including international students) enrolled at US universities. Successful applicants who are based in the US will be required to fly to Ireland using a US airline. However, at least a few grants will be open to all students.

Applications should be submitted via email to Ann O'Brien with subject: "NOSSDAV travel grant". The deadline for receipt of applications is April 26 2004. There is no need to wait until the paper acceptance notification date of April 19. The preferred format for applications is a single PDF file, which should be sent as an attachment to an e-mail message to the address given above. Applications must include:

    The student should email the following:
  1. A current resume/CV
  2. A letter written by the student, describing the student's research focus and accomplishments to date, indicating what conferences/workshops he/she has attended in the past, and explaining why/how he/she expects to benefit by attending NOSSDAV 2004
  3. An itemized budget indicating expected travel cost (typically airfare) between the student's location and Cork, Ireland

  4. The student's advisor should email the following:
  5. A letter of recommendation confirming that the applicant is a full-time PhD student in good standing and explaining how the advisor expects the student to benefit from attending and why the student will need a travel grant to be able to attend.

Decisions will be made by a committee involving the NOSSDAV 2004 Co-Chairs. Decisions will be final. Award checks will be mailed shortly after the workshop has taken place, and after receipts have been submitted to justify the expenditure. Award recipients will be asked to arrange shared lodging to reduce costs.

Questions about the travel grant scheme should be sent to the NOSSDAV Co-Chairs at