Old Well

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department of Computer Science
Distributed and Real-Time Systems Research Group

NOSSDAV 2000 Registration Form

The 10th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support
for Digital Audio and Video

June 25-28, 2000
Chapel Hill, NC, USA


To maintain the atmosphere of a workshop, registration is limited to 70 persons on a first-come-first-served basis.

To register, complete the following form and mail, e-mail, or FAX, to: (for an ASCII version of this form click here.)

Ms. Madelyn Mann
Department of Computer Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175
Email: mann@cs.unc.edu
voice: +1 919-962-1922
FAX: +1 919-962-1799

Registration Information

First Name: _________________________________ Last Name: _________________________________
Affliation: _________________________________
Street Address: _________________________________
City: _________________________________ State/Provence: ________________________________
Zip/Postal Code: ________________________________ Country: ________________________________
email address: ________________________________
telephone: ________________________________ FAX: ________________________________

Workshop Registration Fee: $350 USD

Registration fee includes admission to the workshop, copy of proceedings, continental breakfasts, lunches, coffee breaks, and the conference banquet. Registration will close on June 16, 2000.

Payment Information:

Credit Card (Visa/Mastercard): ____________________________________
Credit card number: ____________________________________
Expiration Date: ____________________________________
Name as it appears on the credit card: ____________________________________
Total Charges Authorized: ____________________________________

Please note that any credit card information you fax, email, or sen via physical mail will be entered on-line into a secure payment server for processing. Please check the box to indicate your approval of this transmission. _____

Payment may be also made by check or money order in US dollars payable to:

Department of Computer Science, UNC-CH

Written requests for refunds must be received no later than June 19, 2000. Refunds are subject to a $50 processing fee. All no-show registrations will be billed in full.

For further information please contact the program chair Kevin Jeffay


Hotel Information

NOSSDAV 2000 will be held at the historic Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill, NC. The Carolina Inn is a Chapel Hill landmark and one of the Historic Hotels of America. A block of rooms has been reserved for NOSSDAV 2000 at a rate of $129 USD per night. Single and double rooms are available at the same rate.

To reserve a room please contact the Inn directly at:

The Carolina Inn
211 Pittsboro Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Telephone:+1 919-933-2001 or
+1 800-962-3400
FAX:+1 919-918-2795

When reserving a room, please identify yourself as a member of NOSSDAV 2000. To guarantee room availability as well as the conference room rate, reservations must be made no later than June 3, 2000.


Related Links


NOSSDAV2000 Organizing Committee

Program Chairs

Kevin Jeffay University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Harrick Vin The University of Texas at Austin

Program Committee

Kevin Almeroth University of California, Santa Barbara
Richard Black University of Glasgow, UK
Wu-chi Feng Ohio State University
Jim Griffioen University of Kentucky, USA
Sugih Jamin University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Charles Kalmanek AT&T Labs Research
Dilip Kandlur IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Robin Kravets University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ian Leslie Cambridge University, UK
Brian Levine University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Ketan Mayer-Patel University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Klara Nahrstedt University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jason Nieh Columbia University
Duane Northcutt Sun Microsystems
Venkat Padmanabhan Microsoft Research
Injong Rhee North Carolina State University
Timothy Roscoe Sprint Advanced Technology Labs
Henning Schulzrinne Columbia University
Prashant Shenoy University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Doug Shepherd Lancaster University, UK
Raj Yavatkar Intel
- Last revised: Sun May 14 20:56:29 EDT 2000
