Paper #13

Automating the Creation of Personalized
Mobile Multimedia Services using Cellware

Kazuhisa Tanaka
Hitachi Ltd., Japan

Michael E. Kounavis & Andrew T. Campbell
Columbia University


Personal mobility services are likely to be diverse and sophisticated in nature. We introduce 'Cellware', an architecture that automates the creation of personalized mobile services. Cellware attempts to capture the diversity of personal mobility services using a simple programmable abstraction called a 'cell'. Cells are event-driven middleware components that can be customized by scripts to perform personalized communication functions, such as call/session forwarding or event notification. Combining cells results in the dynamic creation of more complex personal mobility services. In this short paper, we provide an overview of our architecture and discuss some simple services that have been implemented using an initial implementation of cellware.
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- Last revised: Weds Jun 27 20:56:29 EDT 2000
