Presentation Guidelines

Presenters are requested to prepare their presentations as follows. Please carefully refer to the program to check the presentation date, time, and type. The presenters who have special requests should contact the corresponding chairs and the local arrangement committee ( well in advance.

For workshops, please follow the instructions from the workshop organizers.

Oral Presentations

All oral session rooms are equipped with PC projectors with a D-Sub15 analog connector. Presenters are requested to bring their own PC for the presentation. We strongly recommend presenters to check the compatibility of their PC and the projector before the session starts. Please follow the instructions below for each program type. Presenters are also requested to show up at the session room well before the session starts and introduce themselves to the session chair.

1. Full paper
Each presentation of full paper (including presentations in the best paper session) is allotted 25 minutes in total. The presenters are advised to prepare a 20-minutes presentation to leave sufficient time for Q&A and speaker change.
For in-depth discussions with the audience, each full paper can also use the poster space on the day of the oral presentation for a poster presentation. Full paper presenters are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity, and prepare their posters as well. For detailed instructions on the poster presentation, please refer to the instructions for poster presenters below.

2. Doctoral Symposium Oral Paper
Doctoral Symposium (DS) is composed of two oral sessions on Nov. 1st DS Best Paper Session and DS Oral Paper Session. Each of the presentations assigned to the former session is allotted 25 minutes, while each of the presentations assigned to the latter session is alloted 20 minutes. The presenters are advised to prepare a presentation that leaves at least 7 minutes for Q&A and speaker change.
All the oral DS presenters are requested to prepare and present their posters as well.

3. Multimedia Grand Challenge Solutions
Multimedia Grand Challenge Solutions will be held on 10:00 AM–12:00 PM on Nov 1st at as a plenary event. Each finalist team presentation will be allotted 5 minutes (3 minutes for the presentation + 2 minutes for Q&A). Time will be strictly enforced by session chairs; all the presenters are expected to make sure that their presentations fit strictly within the time limit.

4. Open Source Software Competition (OSSC)
OSSC will be held on 14:20-16:00 on Oct. 31st at Conference Room 2 of Nara Prefectural new Public Hall. Each paper is allocated 15 minutes; 12 minutes for the talk, and 3 minutes for questions. We will be strict with timekeeping and interrupt presenters if they exceed the allocated time. As part of your presentation, please make sure to show your OSSC work in action. This can be done with a live demo, a video, or other powerful ways of conveying its value to the MM community. One OSSC award will be given to the winner and it will be announced at the conference banquet.

Poster Presentations

Each poster presentation will be provided with a panel to put a poster (1,200mm wide and 1,800mm high). Each poster should be set-up before the session starts, and removed after the session.

1. Full and Short papers
There is a core-time for each session. The presenters are expected to be available in front of the poster during the core-time. Please refer to the program for the core-time of each session.

2. Doctoral Symposium Oral and Poster papers
The DS poster session time is 12:45–14:15 on Nov. 1st. The presenters are expected to be available in front of the poster for at least one hour during the DS poster session. DS poster spaces are reserved during all three main conference days. Therefore, each poster should be set-up on Oct. 30th before the first poster session starts, and removed after all the session are finished on Nov. 1st.

3. Technical Demo
Each demonstrator will be provided with a table (1,800mm wide), a poster board (1,200mm wide and 1,800mm high), a power outlet (100V, 60Hz, Max 600W, Type-A), and wireless internet access. Each demo should be set-up before the session and removed after the session. The core-time is set for each session. Please refer to the program for the core-time of each session. Demonstrators must be in the demo space and present their demonstrations during the core-time.

Industrial Exhibits

Industrial Exhibits will take place in the following time slots. The exhibitors are expected to show up during the core-times for demonstrations. The exhibitors are also recommended to demonstrate during optional hours on both days.

  • Day 1: Oct. 31st
    • 12:50-14:20 (core-time)
    • 14:20-18:10 (optional)
  • Day 2: Nov. 1st
    • 12:45-14:15 (core-time)
    • 14:15-18:05 (optional)

The morning of Oct. 31st is spared for setting up the booths. Please prepare the exhibits before 12:50 on that day. For closing the booths, the exhibitors may start clearing up during the optional hours on Nov. 1st, and must complete by the end of the conference on Nov. 2nd.