Google Challenge: Automatic Music Video Generation

Visual and audio are the two key elements of an entertaining video. A befitting soundtrack makes a video compelling and likewise Lady Gaga’s music videos greatly enhance her songs.

How to auto-suggest a cool soundtrack to a user-generated video? How to auto-generate interesting music videos? Consider the following two possible use cases:

  1. You have shot a few family videos on your smartphone, but you don’t want to upload them to YouTube because they look boring. What if you could find a matching soundtrack? Wouldn’t it improve the appeal of the video and make you want to upload it (think of Instagram app for pictures)?
    Goal: make a video much more attractive for sharing by adding a matching soundtrack to it.
    Bonus point: the application runs on Android or iPhone.
  2. Consider the case that you are hosting a home party. Often times you have a playlist of party music, but you don’t have any matching music videos to show on your 50 inch TV.
    Goal: automatically generate entertaining music videos that match the songs.
    Bonus point: personalize the music videos to the people who are viewing them. You may focus on either of the two use cases.

Organizers will review the papers and demos, and make selections of 4-8 submissions based on:

  • novelty of the music video generation system.
  • entertainment value of the produced music videos.