Short Papers

Call for Short Papers

Short papers should present interesting recent results or novel thought-provoking ideas that are not quite ready for a regular full-length paper. We are looking for interesting and bold papers in all areas of multimedia technology and its application. Submissions are encouraged in areas including multimedia databases, content analysis, media processing, compression, multimedia storage, networking, multimedia and hypermedia authoring, multimedia user interfaces and innovative applications. Submissions will be peer-reviewed to ensure quality. Accepted short papers will be presented in an interactive poster format at the conference and appear in the ACM DL along with the accepted long papers.

Important Dates

1 June

Short Paper Submission Deadline (Firm Deadline)

10 July Author notification

Submission Systems

The online submission system for short papers is available now. Please follow the link below for submission. After login, the authors will need to select to which track (systems, content, or applications) the papers belong.

Submission Instructions

Prepare a four page paper using the ACM template for the conference. The paper should be in Portable Document Format (PDF) and formatted in two-column conference style. Short papers are in the same format as the long papers. Please see the ACM proceedings template available at NO abstract need to be submitted prior to the submission of the actual paper. Moreover, this year the short papers will NOT undergo a blind review process. For uniformity, please include the names and affiliations of all authors in the submissions.  

Technical Program Committee


For any questions regarding short papers, please email the co-chairs: