
Call For Panels

The panels at Multimedia 2006 will provide a forum venturous position statements and vivid debates of controversial, unresolved, or emerging issues related to all aspects of multimedia.

Special focus will be set on the "multi" part of the "multimedia" with its specific challenges. With the panels we would like to stimulate discussions on challenges and research trends. The conference will host two panels, one each on the first and the second day of the conference.

Important Dates

17 April Panels Submission Deadline (Firm Deadline)

Submission Instructions

The submission deadline for panel proposals is April, 17th 2006.  Please send a 1-page description of the panel including the title, participants, and a short description of what ideas will be covered. The list of participants should include an indication of whether the person has agreed to be a panel member. You should email your panel proposal including CV's of the panelist in PDF to the panel co-chairs.

Best panel proposals will be selected by the panel co-chairs supported by a Panel Selection Board comprised of members from the ACM MM 2006 Program Committee.


For any questions regarding panels, please email the panel co-chairs: