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Call for Papers
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Short papers
Brave New Topics
Open Source Software Competition
Technical Demonstrations
Interative Art Program
(Press Release)
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The Doctoral Symposium
Submission Instructions
Organizing Committee
Technical Program Committee
Places of Interest
Food and Dining
Technical Program Committee for Short Papers in Main Conference

   Content Track

   Lalitha Agnihotri (Philips Research)
Noboru Babaguchi (Osaka Univ, Japan)
Andrea Cavallaro (Univ of London, UK)
Alberto Del Bimbo (Univ of Florence, Italy)
Ajay Divakaran (Mitsubishi Labs)
Alex Eleftheriadis (Columbia Univ, USA)
Dan Ellis (Columbia Univ, USA)
William Grosky (Univ of Michigan, USA)
Alan Hanjalic (Delft Univ, Netherlands)
Benoit Huet (Eurocom, France)
John Kender (Columbia Univ, USA)
Ying Li (IBM Research, USA)
Mark Liao (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Rainer Lienhart (Univ of Augsberg, Germany)
John Mateer (Univ of York, UK)
Vincent Oria (NJIT, USA)
Gopal Pingali (IBM Research, USA)
Shin'ichi Satoh (NII, Japan)
Alan Smeaton (Dublin City Univ, Ireland)
Svetha Venkatesh (Curtin Univ, Australia)
Marcel Worring (Univ of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Heather Yu (Panasonic)

Applications Track

   Susanne Boll (Univ of Oldenburg, Germany)
Dick Bulterman (CWI, Netherlands)
Tsuhan Chen (CMU, USA)
Andreas Girgensohn (FXPAL)
Vera Goebel (Univ of Oslo, Norway)
Ichiro Ide (Nagoya Univ, Japan)
Alejandro Jaimes (Fuji Xerox. Japan)
Yoshinari Kameda (Tsukuba Univ, Japan)
Wolfgang Klas (Univ of Vienna, Austria)
Jay Kuo (USC, USA)
Michael Lew (LIACS Media Lab, Netherlands)
Mingjing Li (Microsoft Asia, China)
Mark Liao (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Ching-Yung Lin (IBM TJ Watson, USA)
Weiying Ma (Microsoft Asia, China)
Frank Nack (CWI, Netherlands)
Yuichi Nakamura (Kyoto Univ, Japan)
Chandra Narayanaswami (IBM, USA)
Thomas Plagemann (Univ of Oslo, Norway)
Abed el Saddik (Univ of Ottawa, Canada)
Tim Shih (Tamkang Univ, Taiwan)
Qi Tian (Univ of Texas at San Antonio, USA)
Wen Zen (IBM TJ Watson, USA)

Systems Track

   Kevin Almeroth (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
Junzhong Gu (East China Norma Univ, China)
Baochun Li (Univ of Toronto, Canada)
Jiang Li (Microsoft Research Asia)
Ketan Mayer-Patel (Univ of North Carolina, USA)
Klara Nahrstedt (Univ if Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Wei-Tsang Ooi (National Univ of Singapore, Singapore)
Christian Poellabauer (Univ of Notre Dame, USA)
Milena Radenkovic (Univ of Nottingham, UK)
Sumit Roy (HP Labs)
Nicu Sebe (Univ of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Shervin Shirmohammadi (Univ of Ottawa, Canada)
Jonathan Walpole (Oregon Graduate Institute, USA)
Wanghong Yuan (DoCoMo Labs)
Magda El Zarki (UC Irvine, USA)
Michael Zink (Univ of Massachusetts, USA)