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Short papers

The 13th Annual ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2005) will be held in Singapore, November 06-11, 2005. ACM Multimedia is the premier technical multimedia conference attended by an international community of researchers from both academia and industry.
We are currently seeking outstanding short paper submissions that will be presented in an interactive poster format at the conference.

Short papers should present interesting recent results or novel thought-provoking ideas that are not quite ready for a regular full-length paper. We are looking for interesting and bold papers in all areas of multimedia technology and its application. Submissions are encouraged in areas including multimedia databases, content analysis, media processing, compression, multimedia storage, networking, multimedia and hypermedia authoring, multimedia user interfaces and innovative applications. Submissions will be peer-reviewed to ensure quality. Accepted short papers will be presented in an interactive poster format at the conference.

Technical Program Committee

Content Track
Applications Track
Systems Track

Submission Instructions [ Submission period has already closed ]

Prepare a four page paper using the ACM template for the conference -- Portable Document Format (PDF) or PostScript (version 2 or later), formatted in two-column conference style. Please see the ACM proceedings template available at

All submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review process. Please note that the formatting template given above refers to final format of accepted papers. For the purpose of double blind review, please remove names of authors and affiliations from the paper heading, and all references to (your own) papers or systems that may reveal your identity. In place of names of authors and affiliations in the heading, please replace it by the paper id as "Paper xxx". For some references to your own papers, you may want to leave the reference id but remove the details of references by stating: "reference removed for the purpose of anonymous review."

Important Dates

20 Jun 2005 Deadline for submission
29 Jul 2005 Notice of acceptance
29 Aug 2005 Camera-ready papers


For any questions regarding short papers please email the co-chair:

Chitra Dorai (IBM) - Content

Kiyoharu Aizawa (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan) - Applications

Roger Zimmermann (USC, USA) - Systems