Interactive Art Program 2005










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Art Program Submission FAQ

Art Program Exhibition Statement

Art Program Conference Track Topics

Art Program Conference Track Submission

Art Program Exhibition Submission

ajaimes [AT]



In collaboration with

With support from




ACM Multimedia Interactive Art Program 2005 conference track is part of the main ACM Multimedia conference.


Papers in the conference track must describe high-quality, original, and unpublished research, or artworks that have a strong novel technical component. We solicit papers from technical researchers and artists that describe interactive multimedia art works, tools, applications, and technical approaches for creative uses of multimedia content and technology.


Emphasis will be given to novel works that use a rich variety of media and those that are interactive, particularly works that exploit non-conventional human-computer interfaces or sensors in new and emerging areas. We strongly encourage papers with a strong technical content written by artists.

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:


·          Interactive storytelling and authoring

·          Multimedia content analysis (for automatic video editing, search art, etc.)

·          Multimedia software as art (collaborative and open source)

·          Network analysis and network art

·          Tangible interfaces for art

·          Tools for multimedia performance

·          Immersive multimedia

·          Perceptual, haptic, affective, and multi-modal interfaces and architectures for art

·          Sonification and electronic music

·          Context aware multi-modal sensing

·          Computational applications of art media theory and semiotics

·          Experiential systems

·          Generative multimedia art

·          Mobile multimedia art

·          Museum

·          Sensors for multimedia art

·          Novel multimedia performance instruments


Papers submitted to the art program conference track may be long (10 pages) or short (2 to 4 pages). Long papers are presented in front of an audience and short papers are presented in poster format. After the review process is complete, the organizers may ask an author who submitted a long paper to submit a short paper instead or vice versa.


Papers should be written in the 2-column ACM Multimedia format.


Papers submitted to the art program conference track must not be under review elsewhere and must not have been previously published. By submitting, authors acknowledge that no paper of substantially similar content has been published or will be submitted to another conference or workshop during the ACM MM review period.


Please check the Art Program Conference track submission page for specific submission details.