ACM Multimedia 2001
Author's Kit
Camera-ready paper is due on
Monday July 16, 2001
Electronic version is due on Monday September
3rd, 2001
The final version of your paper should be prepared
in two versions: a camera-ready paper version for the printed proceedings
and an electronic version for the electronic proceedings.
Prepare your camera ready paper
Based on the category of your paper, your final
version for printed proceedings is limited to the following number of pages:
Regular paper: 10
Poster paper: 3
Demo summary: 2
Panel summary: 3
Doctoral symposium abstract: 2
Workshop paper: 4
The camera ready paper should be printed on a high-resolution
output device on 8 1/2" x 11" paper. Authors from outside the United States
may use A4 paper instead; in that case, the ACM guidelines may be modified
so that the size of the printed area conforms to the final format, even
if the margins differ. Please follow carefully the instructions in the
following link when preparing your paper.
Note that it is especially important that you leave
sufficient space at the bottom of the first (left) column on the first
page for ACM to fill in the copyright information.
Very important: the ACM copyright form must
be signed and returned with your paper. We
have been informed that ACM will not publish any paper that is not accompanied
by a signed copyright form. Note that we need the original signed copyright
form and a fax version is not acceptable. In those cases where a paper
has more than one author the signature of the first-named author is sufficient.
You can find information about the ACM Copyright policy and download the
ACM copyright form from the following links:
Please remember to fill out the information about
the title of the work and the authors at the top of copyright form. Send
the the signed copyright form together with a hard copy of your contribution
Vincent Oria
ACM MM 2001
College of Computing Sciences
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Univerity Heights
Newark, NJ 07102-1982
Tel: (973) 596-5767
Fax: (973) 596-5777
In addition, use anonymous ftp with
your e-mail address as password to submit your contribution in a postscript
format to
Give to the file the name of the first author (not MM2001). In the directory
are different sub-directories corresponding to the contribution types:
Paper, Poster, Demo, Panel, Doctoral_Symposium, MIR_Workshop,
Middleware_Workshop, and Security_Workshop. Place your file in the
sub-directory of Print
corresponding to the
type of your contribution, and then send an email to me at
The hard copy of the contribution, the signed copyright form and
the paper in a postscript format must be received no later than Monday,
July 16, 2001.
Prepare your electronic version
of paper
After you have submitted the final version for
the printed proceedings, you should prepare the electronic version for
the electronic proceedings. The due date is September 3rd, 2001.
The electronic proceedings will have the same look and feel as those of
MM98 and MM99, MM00 but we will be asking authors to use validated HTML
4.0 (strict) with a CSS2 style sheet which we supply. The instructions
explain this process, give an example of a simple markup and show the effect
of the style sheet. They also tell you what to submit and where to ftp
your file. If you need further help after reading the instructions, contact
proceedings editors
Oria at
or Roger Price at