Extending beyond the borders of culture, art, and science, the search for digital information is one of the major challenges of our time. Digital libraries, bio-computing & medical science, the Internet, streaming video, databases, cultural heritage collections and peer-2-peer networks have created a worldwide need for new paradigms and techiques on how to browse, search, and summarize multimedia collections. MIR2005 is a peer-reviewed meeting for scientific researchers and users to discuss important challenges in multimedia retrieval.

Following the success of the five previous MIR workshops held in conjunction with the ACM Multimedia Conferences, the purpose of the 7th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR 2005) is to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry. We are soliciting original papers that address a wide range of issues in multimedia information retrieval.

Workshop Co-Chairs
Call For Organizers for MIR 2006

Invitation for Organizing MIR'06

Important Dates: Deadline for proposals: December 1st, 2005

Here is the link to MIR 2006.