Tentative MIR03 Program

8.30 - 9.30      Keynote address: Words, Pictures, and Video

                                 David Forsyth, University of California, Berkeley

9.30 - 10.00   "Boaster" Session

10.00 - 11.20      Coffee and Poster Session

Creating Data Resources for Designing User-centric Front-ends for Query by Humming Systems
    Erdem Unal, S.S. Narayanan, H.-H. Shih, and Elaine Chew

Semantic-meaningful Content-based Image Retrieval in Wavelet Domain
    Yongqing Sun and Shinji Ozawa

Distance Measures for MPEG-7-based Retrieval
    Horst Eidenberger

Efficient Contour-based Shape Representation and Matching
   Tomasz Adamek and Noel O’Connor

Generic Sign Board Detection in Images
    Hua Shen and Xiaoou Tang

Query Definition Using Interactive Saliency
    Giang P. Nguyen and Marcel Worring

Fuzzy Color Quantization and Its Applications to Scene Change Detection
    Fu-Lai Chung and Benny Y.M. Fung

Efficient k-NN Search in Polyphonic Music Databases Using a Lower Bounding Mechanism
    Ning-Han Liu, Yi-Hung Wu, and Arbee L.P. Chen

Multimedia Modeling Using MPEG-7 for Authoring Multimedia Integration
    Tien Tran Thuong and Cecile Roisin

Repeated Utterance Extraction by a New Algorithm for Labeling a Presentation Speech
    Yoshiaki Itoh, Kazuyo Tanaka, and Shi-Wook Lee

An Analysis of Multimedia Searching on Alta Vista
    Bernard J. Jansen, Amanda Spink, and Jan Pedersen

Content-based Image Retrieval by Clustering
    Yixin Chen, James Z. Wang, and Robert Krovetz

Sports Video Summarization Using Highlights and Play-breaks
    Dian Tjondronegoro, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, and Binh Pham

Highlight Scene Extraction in Real Time from Baseball Live Video
    Yasuo Ariki, Masahito Kumano, and Kiyoshi Tsukada

Model Checking for Detection of Sport Highlights
    Marco Bertini, Alberto Del Bimbo, and Walter Nunziati

DAVE - A System for Quality Driven Adaptive Video Delivery
    Surya Nepal and Uma Srinivasan

A Wireless Handheld Multi-modal Digital Video Library Client System
    Michael R. Lyu, Edward Yau, and Sam Sze

Threading News Video Topics
    Iciro Ide, Hiroshi Mo, Norio Katayama, and Shin'ichi Satoh

Multimedia Streaming Services - Specification, Implementation, and Retrieval
    Bjorn Althun and Martin Zimmermann

Replication Algorithms to Retrieve Scalable Streaming Media over Content Delivery Network
    Zhou Su, Jiro Katto, and Yasuhiko Yasuda

Fast Video Matching with Signature Alignment
    Tim Hoad and Justin Zobel

11.20 - 13.00   Oral  Session I - Video Retrieval

The Family Video Archive - An Annotation and Browsing Environment for Home Movies
    Gregory Abowd, Matthias Gauger, and Andreas Lachenmann

Semantic Video Classification by Integrating Flexible Gaussian Mixture Model with Adaptive EM Algorithm
    Jianping Fan, Hangzao Luo, and Xiaodong Lin

Semi-supervised Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
    Ira Cohen, Nicu Sebe, Fabio Cozman, and Thomas S. Huang

Design, Implementation, and Testing of an Interactive Video Retrieval System
    Georgina Gaughan, Alan F. Smeaton, Cathal Gurrin, Hyowon Lee, and Kieran McDonald

Context-based Video Retrieval System for the Life-log Applications
    Tetsuro Hori and Kiyoharu Aizawa

13.00 - 14.00  Bufet Lunch

14.00 - 15.40    Oral Session II -  Image Retrieval

Retrieving 3D Shapes Based on Their Appearance
    Ryutarou Ohbuchi, Masatoshi Nakazawa, and Tsuyoshi Takei

Modeling and Clustering of Consumer Photo Capture Streams
    Ullas Gargi

A Bootstrapping Approach to Annotating Large Image Collection
    HuaMin Feng and Tat-Seng Chua

Content Representation and Similarity Matching for Texture-based Image Retrieval
    Noureddine Abbadeni

Addressing CBIR Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Retrieval Subjectivity Simultaneously
    Ruofei Zhang and Zhongfei (Mark) Zhang

15.40 - 16.00   Coffee

16.00 - 17.40   Oral  Session III - Applications

Fast Retrieval of High-Dimensional Feature Vectors in P2P Networks Using Compact Peer Data Summaries
    Wolfgang Muller and Andreas Henrich

Annodex - A Simple Architecture to Enable Hyperlinking, Search & Retrieval of Time-Continuous Data on the Web
    Silvia Pfeiffer, Conrad Parker, and Claudia Schremmer

An Evolutionary Optimization Approach for 3D Human Head Model Classification
    Hau-San Wong, Kent K.T. Cheung, and Horace H.S. Ip

A Wavelet Packet Representation of Audio Signals for Music Genre Classification Using Different Ensemble and Feature Selection Techniques
    Marco Grimaldi, Padraig Cunningham, and Anil Kokaram

Semantic Context Detection based on Hierarchical Audio Models
    Wen-Huang Cheng, Wei-Ta Chu, and Ja-Ling Wu

17.40 - 18.40      Panel Session: Multimedia Information Retrieval - Promises and Challenges - Pointers for the Future
                                        Chabane Djeraba, LIFL, France (organizer)