4th Intl. Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval

December 6, Juan-les-Pins on the French Riviera

in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2002


Call for papers

Special session information


Program Committee

Paper Submission

Information for Authors

ACM MM 2002


With all content going digital, new areas such as interactive training, simulation, e-business, and cultural heritage applications require management of large amounts of data, most of which are non-traditional (text/numeric) types of data. Such applications require integrated tools for modeling, understanding, visualizing, retrieving, and accessing the data. This leads to the development of novel techniques for managing multimedia content. This year we have included topics that focus on semantic retrieval of multimedia content through the addition of new topics such as semantic web and computational media aesthetics.

Topics of interest to MIR 2002 include, but are not limited to:

Multimedia data modeling
Multimedia indexing
Multimedia visualization
Metadata for multimedia retrieval
Query languages for multimedia retrieval
Query processing for multimedia retrieval
Multimedia and media mining
Feature and structure extraction for multimedia retrieval
Tools and standards
User perspective and user modeling for multimedia retrieval
New media types and new applications
Intelligent agents for multimedia indexing and retrieval
Infrastructure for multimedia retrieval
Semantic content analysis for multimedia retrieval
Multi-modal multimedia retrieval
Intelligent multimedia production
Retrieval of multimedia semantics
Multimedia retrieval for pervasive devices
Semantic web
Computational media aesthetics

The special session on Multimedia content-based retrieval for cultural heritage applications will gather recognized experts in image and video databases as well as experts from the field. Addressed subjects will cover, among the others: user requirement modeling; construction of cultural heritage object databases, 2D information modeling; relevance of 3D content-based retrieval. The session chair will provide an overview of the state of the art and focus on perspective issues and challenges. Each of the experts will present research activities presently carried out at his/her site. Submission to this session will be on invitation only.

Paper Submission

For the general topics of MIR 2002, the program committee solicits condensed research papers describing new results or original ideas related to the workshop topics. Papers should be in English and should not exceed 10 double spaced pages. The cover page should include the title, name and affiliation of the author(s), contact, address, email, fax and telephone numbers. For submission instructions, please visit the workshop web page: http://www.cs.rpi.edu/mir2002/

Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia 2002 Workshop will be published by
the ACM Press.

Important Dates

Paper submission: September 10
Notification of acceptance/rejection: October 10
Camera-ready version due: October 21
Workshop: December 6

Workshop Program Committee

Laurent Amsaleg, IRISA
Yasuo Ariki, Ryukoku University, Japan
Noboru Babaguchi, Osaka University, Japan
Selcuk Candan, Arizona State University
Isabel Cruz, University of Illinois at Chicago
Lee Giles, Pennsylvania State University
Jesse Jin, University of Sydney, Australia
Yoshinori Kameda, Kyoto University, Japan
Norio Katayama, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Brigitte Kerherve, University of Quebec, Montreal
Robert Laurini, University of Lyon, France
Daniel Lopresti, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
Frank Nack, CWI, Amsterdam
Surya Nepal, CSIRO, Sydney, Australia
Fausto Rabitti, Consiglio Nazionale dell Ricerche
Maria-Luisa Sapino, Universita di Torino
Shin'ichi Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
John Smith, IBM T.J. Watson research Centre
Vincent Oria, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Svetha Venkatesh, Curtin University, Australia