Cam-Ready Preparation

Cam-Ready Preparation

You should modify your paper in response to the reviewers' comments attached below. We hope that these reviews will provide you with useful feedback for improving your paper, and we expect you to adopt the reviewer's comments to the best of your ability.

It is necessary that at least one of the authors registers and be able to present your work at the conference.

You should prepare a camera-ready copy and sign a copyright transfer form for inclusion within the ACM Digital Library. Original copyright transfer forms should be received soon so it is advicedadvised to send them right now (see below).

The style of the paper should strictly follows the formatting guidelines for ACM Proceedings available at:, using the "Option 2" style.

The following ISBN number for CIVR 2009 proceedings should be used where needed : 978-1-60558-480-5

The Standard Copyright Statement should appear at the bottom first page left column of each article:

"Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.

CIVR '09, July 8-10, 2009 Santorini, GR

Copyright © 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-480-5/09/07... $5.00"

Papers should also include ACM Computing Classification categories and terms. The templates provide space for this indexing and point authors to the Computing Classification Scheme at:

Failing to comply with the above formatting rules will directly exclude the paper from the ACM Digital Library.

PDF version of the camera ready paper should be submitted thru the EasyChair system, used for the submission

Before inclusion of their papers in the ACM Digital Library, it is also critical that authors sign the ACM copyright form available at:

to transfer copyright to ACM. For jointly authored papers, an original signature is required from one (assumed senior) author only. However, it is assume that all authors have been advised and have consented to the terms of the Form and this single author acts as duly authorized agent of the others. Authors retain many rights even after such a transfer. The complete ACM Copyright Policy can be viewed by your authors at:

Forms should be sent by surface mail to:

Stephane Marchand-Maillet
[CIVR form]
Department of Computer Science, Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab
CUI, University of Geneva
Battelle (Bat A)
Route de Drize, 7
CH-1227 Carouge, Switzerland

Original forms should be sent by surface mail for collective transfer to ACM. A fax copy may be sent to secure receipt at:
Fax: +41 (0)22 379 0250

Deadline for receipt of the original signed copyright transfer form: April 24, 2009
Deadline for receipt of camera-ready copy paper: April 30th, 2009


Papers Submission

  1. All submissions must be submitted electronically through the CIVR 2009 Easychair Submission Site (no email or ftp).
  2. Use the CIVR 2009 Easychair Submission Site to provide the main information and upload the file of your complete paper. You will be given an id/password which must later be used to access the system during future/update steps, so be careful to remember it.
  3. The proceedings of the workshop will be available through ACM Digital Library.
  4. Submitted papers should be in the ACM Conference style, see "the ACM template page", using the "Option 1" style. This is also the style that will be required for final papers. Papers must not exceed 8 pages in 9 point font and must be submitted as pdf files. Papers exceeding the limits will be rejected without review.
  5. The deadline for submitting your paper is midnight CET on February 1st, 2009 February 8th, 2009.
  6. Questions about the submission process may be using the contact form

Submissions are not anonymous.